Launching the Trailblazer Space Shuttle...

At Trailblazer Finance, we're excited to unveil our latest innovation – the Space Shuttle Loan. This new product is a significant addition to our portfolio, reflecting our commitment to providing innovative financial solutions tailored to the needs of brokers and other professionals in the financial services

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ATO Cracks Down on Small...

In the wake of the Covid era, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) adopted a lenient stance toward small businesses with GST, PAYG tax, and income tax obligations. However, the ABC recently reported that this period of leniency has come to a screaming halt and the ATO

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Understanding the market dynamics of...

Understanding the factors influencing trail book valuations is not just important but pivotal for making well-informed decisions in the acquisition process. These valuations encapsulate a complex interplay of multifaceted variables that can significantly impact the value and viability of an acquisition. Determining the factors influencing trail

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A comprehensive guide to navigating...

Embarking on an acquisition journey entails navigating a maze of legal documentation essential for a successful transaction. Let's delve into the key legal documents required and their significance in the acquisition process: 2nd Level: Reference ability Checks Delving deeper, it's essential to scrutinise the character and

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How to complete a thorough...

In the ever-evolving realm of business expansion, acquisitions emerge as powerful drivers of success. They present a thrilling opportunity to instantly double your business, skipping the lengthy process of organic growth. Through acquisitions, you not only achieve increased scale and efficiency but also gain the freedom

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Navigating the Approval Process in...

A successful acquisition has the potential to transform your business, offering immediate scalability, improved efficiency, and the ability to delegate day-to-day operations. Moreover, it can result in instant enhancements in margins, purchasing power, and market share, propelling your business towards unprecedented success. However, when venturing into

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Three crucial questions every buyer...

In the world of acquisitions, there are three fundamental questions every prospective buyer should ask themselves before engaging in any transaction. At TrailBlazer Finance, we specialise in guiding clients through the acquisition process, leveraging our vast experience to ensure optimal outcomes. Let's delve into these crucial

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Blazing Our Own Trail: We’re...

At a time where things feel uncertain, many lenders and businesses are choosing to play it safe, laying low in the face of rising costs of living, higher interest rates, and inflationary pressures. However, at TrailBlazer Finance we're charting a different course—one of expansion, innovation, and

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Whether you’re a mortgage broker, financial planner, rent roll business owner, accountant or other cashflow business, we can understand and support your specific business goals and needs.

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Suite 401, Level 4,
59-75 Grafton Street,
Bondi Junction NSW 2022

1300 139 003

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